April 26 Announcements

This is the last week to sign up to play in the first-ever Westerville South High School Co-Ed Volleyball tournament. Waiver forms and participation fees are due THIS FRIDAY – April 29. To participate, you must complete the waiver form and pay the participation fee – $5 per individual or $30 per team. Scan the QR code on a flyer hanging up around the school or login to your Graduating Class’s Google Classroom to complete the form. See you on the court!


If you are interested in running for a Junior or Senior Class Officer position for next year, make sure you pick up a nomination form. These are available outside of Ms. Coggburn’s room (1325), Ms. Sefton’s room (116), and in the main office and are due Friday, April 29th. Elections will be online and will run May 2nd through May 6th.


In the Know meets after school today. Come if you can. See you then!


Knitting club meets tomorrow. We’ll be starting some plarn projects, so grab a big crochet hook if you’ve got one and your old plastic bags, and we’ll help the environment by converting those bags to yarn for crochet projects. We have plenty of supplies, so you are welcome to come empty-handed! See you then!


If you completed a crossword for the library spring challenge, please turn those into the library no later than the end of this week. Winners will be announced via the library’s Instagram (@wshsmc) Monday.