Westerville South’s Troupe 513 and Their Powerful Delivery of Pipeline
Photo Courtesy of Laney Walden for Emma-Rose Photography
Juniors Isa Sánchez and Michael Donkor rehearsing a scene for South’s show Pipeline.
February 8, 2021
Westerville South’s Troupe 513 brought light to a pressing issue through their powerful delivery of the show “Pipeline.”.
According to Lincoln Center Theatre, “Pipeline” demonstrates how “a mother’s hope for her son clash with an educational system rigged against him. Nya, an inner-city public high school teacher, is committed to her students, but desperate to give her only son Omari opportunities they’ll never have.”
Junior Sammi Robinson did a fantastic job as the role of Nya, the helpless mother who is filled with anxiety as she tries to protect her son and prevent him from the criminal future she fears for him.
Junior Michael Donkor also did an outstanding job as the role of Omari who faces a controversial incident at his upstate private school which threatens to get him expelled.
Robinson and Donkor’s emotional performance provoke the audience by making them feel their struggle and pain.
Overall, the cast did exceptional portraying their respective characters, and highlighting the American education system for underprivileged and disadvantaged students
The cast had been rehearsing for almost four months. Despite the pushback of the show, the cast and crew were able to bring the show to life.
“I think we have all done a great job keeping our energy up though because we all love the show so much,” said Kyra Lesmerises, who played Laurie.
Lesmerises said she has never been in a production with a cast this diverse. “I love that we get to tell this story and bring light to issues that aren’t usually addressed in high school theatre. It’s the most meaningful play I’ve ever been in,” Lesmerises mentioned.
After watching the show, several students were impressed by the powerful delivery from these cast members.
Senior Olivia Janney said, “it was really powerful and eye-opening to situations I wouldn’t have necessarily thought about.”
Junior Elle Rollyson explained, “it was amazing to portray the story. It was humorous, but also touching to everyone in the audience.”