Thursday Oct. 20 Announcements

The Westerville Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Fouse Award, for students in grades 6-12, is named in honor of William H. Fouse who was the first black graduate of Westerville Schools and of Otterbein College. The Fouse Award is given to a student for demonstrating leadership, bravery, tolerance and respect, and also for making a positive impact on their community. To nominate yourself or someone else by the November 11th deadline, visit  **SHOW IMAGE**


There will be an open gym for students interested in the boys and girls bowling teams this afternoon at the Columbus Square Bowling Palace from 3:00pm to 5:00pm.


Rule The ‘Ville t-shirts will go on sale this Wednesday-Friday (while supplies last) for $10 during lunches.

Special shout-out to Mr. Wittwer and senior, Georgia Loless for their creativity! **SHOW IMAGE**


Powderpuff is back! If you’d like to sign up and play or coach, forms can be found outside of room 1127 or in the athletic office or main office. Money and waivers are due to Ms. Sefton by the end of the day on October 28. See your class schoology pages for more information!


Next week Key Club will be selling BOOgrams during all lunch periods Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Send Halloween candy and a scary or sweet note to your boo, bae, or buddy. All proceeds benefit Key Club community service projects. You will need to know the recipients first and last name and advisory room number at the time of purchase.


Interested in Anime? Join the Anime Club meeting NEXT Thursday after school in room 2102. Meetings will be the 2nd and 4th Thursday every month.


Congratulations to the volleyball team on their win Tuesday in the first round of tournament play. Go Cats!


Global Scholars Level 2 Field trip forms need to be turned in to Mrs. Fuchs in Room 1301 no later than Monday, Oct. 24.


Be sure to come see The Addams Family tonight, Saturday or Sunday! 


International Stuttering Awareness Day is this Saturday October 22nd. Over 78 million people in every culture and language stutter. Stuttering varies day to day, situation to situation. People who stutter do not choose when they stutter. Stuttering is NOT caused by anxiety or related to intelligence. Stuttering is okay! It’s just a different way of speaking. Be an ALLY to people who stutter by being patient when speaking to them. Check out this clip or go to Mrs. Rodstrom’s office, room 1209 to find out more about stuttering.