Wildcats’ Winter and Spring Sports Strategize Their Season
Senior Clark Metz participating in Westerville South baseball team.
October 27, 2022
According to the article, “The Benefits of Participating in Sports” from the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, participating in sports helps build leadership skills, improve your health, boosts friendships, and teaches you how to organize your time.
Leadership skills are necessary for the workout place. Good skills will benefit students in the workplace when needing to work with other colleagues and achieve a common goal.
Senior baseball player Clark Metz sees sports as helping him stay in shape, focus on a good diet, and drink water. “I hope the impact I have on my team makes everyone play to the best of their abilities which directly helps me play to the best of my abilities,” Metz said, commenting back on the impact he has on his team.
Friendships help reduce stress, build happiness and increase a sense of purpose. Being on a sports team helps build friendships with people who have a common interest.
“We have been friends since first and second grade and all played basketball together. So it was good to reunite at the same high school.” Junior varsity basketball and volleyball player Zoey Guice, speaks on friendships she has built through basketball.
Senior softball player Lauryn Swanson will be continuing her athletic and academic career in college. Softball has been very time-consuming for Swanson and knowing that there is something to look forward to in the end motivates her to finish school out strong.
Many sports are preparing for the upcoming season at Westerville South. Information was provided for who to reach out to, when the season starts, and when open fields are.
Boys and Girls Swimming and Diving
“Calling all boys!” said coach CJ Morabito regarding the need for more male participants on the dive team. How does jumping from one meter in the air sound? If you are a former or current gymnast, aspiring ninja, or daredevil come check out the diving team! The season for swimming and diving begins on Oct. 28. That will be the first day of practice and tryouts will be held on Oct. 30. Tryouts will only be needed if the number of people that come out is higher than what the pool will safely fit. The season is 17 weeks long to the state championship. If you are interested or have any questions contact Coach CJ Morabito via email at [email protected].
Coach Dustin Few recommends visiting the local Play it Again Sports store to purchase wrestling gear and joining the team at open mats on Mondays at 3:30 p.m! Lifting is Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. The season officially starts on Nov. 11 and goes through mid-February. No tryouts! “It’s a great sport to get into better shape, meet new friends, and be part of a growing team.” said, Coach Dustin Few. If you are interested or have any questions contact Coach, Dustin Few via email at [email protected].
Open fields have already started for baseball every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:30! Lifting is Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00. The season will begin on Feb. 20, and tryouts will be held on that date and run for a week or two. Baseball will last until the end of the school year. If you are interested it is highly recommended to come out to open fields and attend everything! If you have any questions contact Coach Kenneth Brewer via email at [email protected].
Off-season activities have already begun for Softball! Every Wednesday from 3:30-5:00 p.m is open fields. The official season will begin on Feb. 20 and run until the end of the school year. Tryouts will be held the week of Feb. 20. If you are interested in playing softball, listen to the school announcements, show up to open fields when you can, and email Coach, Jordan Ingalls at [email protected]
Track and Field
The weight room will open up for practices for track on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 2:30 p.m on Dec. 7. After winter break, Mondays and Thursdays will be added for conditioning. The season will officially start on Feb. 13, and go through May 26. Everyone is welcome to come out regardless of their ability level. Everyone will be taught what is needed to be successful! If you are interested or have any questions, reach out to Coach, Jim Gaul via email at [email protected].
Boys Lacrosse
Workouts are currently going on for boys’ lacrosse! Join the team with open fields and lifting from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. The first day of practice is Feb. 20 and will be followed by a scrimmage on Mar. 1. Games will kick off on Mar. 17, and go through mid-May. No tryouts are needed because everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow. It is recommended to attend lifts and all open fields. “The earlier the stick gets into your hand the more fun you will have!” said Coach Michael Spatafore. If you are interested or have any questions reach out to Coach, Michael Spatafore via email at [email protected].
Tryouts are coming soon! Nov. 4 will be tryouts from 3:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. For the next three Thursdays, the bowling team will be meeting at the Columbus Square Bowling Palace from 3:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. The season will begin in late November and go through the beginning of March. For any new players coming out Coach Jamie West recommends being prepared to work and to have a good time! If you are interested or have any questions, reach out to Coach Jamie West at [email protected].