Tuesday Jan. 24 Announcements

The next Key Club meeting will be held in room 2109 today after school


Recycling will be picked up on the second floor today during 9th period. Please have your class bin in the hallway for it to be collected. Help reduce our waste by recycling paper, plastic, and cartons in the appropriate bins. Thank you


Class of 2026, I hope you haven’t forgotten to apply to be a class officer! Interested candidates should pick up a form from Mr. Miller in 1323. You will need to get some signatures and to prepare a short speech. Forms are due this Friday. Ask Mr. Miller if you have any questions!


Fantastic finish to all WSHS swimmers! They won the meet against Marysville and Beechcroft this past weekend. Swimmers head to their OCC meet at Kenyon University this Saturday.


Congratulations to the In the Know team on their double win against Tree of Life last night. They were in fine, fast form and showed the Trojans what it means to be a Wildcat! Way to go!


Attention All South Students: Do you want to build a better relationship with your teachers? What about have more engaging activities throughout the school year? We have a group of Juniors who want to solve many issues throughout the building and they would LOVE to have your input! Please complete the following survey using the QR Code. There will be students going around during Advisory this week to pass out candy to those who show proof of completing the survey!