South students gear up for Halloween

Sophia Shai, Reporter

Westerville South students are excited for the upcoming Halloween festivities. However, the coronavirus can make celebrating a difficult task. Here are a few students’ thoughts.

Jasmine Sims (Freshman)

Q: What is your favorite costume you’ve ever worn?

A: I was Green Arrow, but I was the woman.

Q: What will be your costume for this year if you are planning on wearing one?

A: I wasn’t planning on one, but I would probably be a doctor.

Q: What are your plans for Halloween given the growing concerns of COVID-19?

A: Gonna stay home and eat candy and watch scary movies with my mom.

Q: What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

A: KitKats.

Q: What’s your favorite scary/Halloween movie?

A: It, probably.

Q: What’s your favorite part about Halloween?

A: Dressing up and getting to eat a lot of candy.

Q: Do you wear your costume to school?

A: Of course!

Q: If you could dress up as anyone for Halloween, who would it be and why?

A: Meredith Grey, because she is amazing. 


Leanne Ngo (Sophomore): 

Q: What is your favorite costume you’ve ever worn?

A: My favorite costume that I have ever been has to be Minnie Mouse.


 What will be your costume for this year if you are planning on wearing one?

A: I’m not planni

ng to wear a costume; but my friends were planning to do a group thing, and I     would be Velma from Scooby Doo.

Q: What ar

e your plans for Halloween given the growing concerns of COVID-19?

A: I’m not doing anything for Halloween to be honest, but my family bought candy just in case.

Q: What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

A: Twix or Swedish fish.

Q: What’s your favorite scary/Halloween movie?

A: The Conjuring.

Q: What’s your favorite part about Halloween?

A: Trick or treating or dressing up in a costume.

Q: Do you wear your costume to school?

A: I have for middle school but wasn’t sure last year so I didn’t.

Q: If you could dress up as anyone for Halloween, who would it be and why?

A: I’d dress up as Draculaura from Monster High.


William Livingston (Junior): 

Q: What is your favorite costume you’ve ever worn?

A: My Darth Vader costume from when I was like 6 was pretty cool.

Q: What will be your costume for this year if you are planning on wearing one?

A: This year I’m planning to dress up as Tommy Jarvis from a couple of the Friday the 13th movies.

Q: What are your plans for Halloween given the growing concerns of COVID-19?

A: As of now I’m planning on treating Halloween this year as I would any other year. I want to have something just to feel normal again, because it’s been a while since anything has really felt normal so you know maybe Halloween can be that return to normalcy for me. 

Q: What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

A: Favorite candy has got to be 3 Musketeers.

Q: What’s your favorite scary/Halloween movie?

A: My tradition for Halloween is to watch The Evil Dead 1 and 2 so those have got to be my favorites.

Q: What’s your favorite part about Halloween?

A:  My favorite part of Halloween is that it feels like the one thing a lot of people can agree on. It’s a month of scares and everyone gets into it even if it’s just a little bit.

Q: Do you wear your costume to school?

A: I usually wear my costume to school, but I won’t be in school the week of Halloween so that’s a no.

Q: If you could dress up as anyone for Halloween, who would it be and why?

A: I’d probably dress up as my old boy Steve Harrington because he’s the one good character in Stranger Things.


Reagan Wernet (Senior): 

Q: What is your favorite costume you’ve ever worn?


A: My favorite costume was when I was a monkey as a baby.

Q: What will be your costume for this year if you are planning on wearing one?

A: My costume this year is a boxer with a couple of my work friends.

Q: What are your plans for Halloween given the growing concerns of COVID-19?

A: For Halloween this year, I’m going to a smaller party outside to dress up. Also, my little sister will still be trick or treating, but I think most people are making premade bags filled with candy, instead of having everyone reach in the same bowl.

Q: What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

A: My favorite Halloween candy is the pumpkin Reese’s.

Q: What’s your favorite scary/Halloween movie?

A: My favorite Halloween movie is Halloween Town.

Q: What’s your favorite part about Halloween?

A: My favorite part of Halloween is seeing everyone’s costumes.

Q: Do you wear your costume to school?

A: I don’t wear my costume to school a lot because a lot of the time that is uncomfortable.

Q: If you could dress up as anyone for Halloween, who would it be and why?

A: I’d dress up as Rocky Balboa.